Okoroshi-Owu Festival is one of the most celebrated cultural festivals of Obudi, and Agwa general. It is a mask masquerade festival by the people of Obudi (more…)
Okoroshi Ojoo and Okoroshi Oma
The ugly (Okoroshi Ojoo) and beautiful (Okoroshi Oma) masquerades. Amongst the ugly masquerades, we have the Ofepru ( these are athletic masquerades. (more…)
Okoroshi-Oma (Beautiful masquerades) the beautiful masquerades are great to behold. They only entertain by dancing in a created crowd of people and while walking. Isimkpirikpe, a type of beautiful masquerade, covers its face with a white mask adorned with colors, wears white shortened-trousers, singlet, blanket, sows in most cases but not black or red with a wooden light club (Igba). Wagiriga is another type of beautiful masquerade which is not entirely different from Ishimkpirikpe other than dancing steps and dressing. While the former dresses in white throughout, the latter does not dress in white; rather, it dresses with the colors that match its mask but not with red or black, and fixes feathers on the head of the mask.
Okoroshi-Owu Festival Starts in July and ends in the first week of August. Before the performance starts proper, the custodians of the cultures will put every necessary (more…)